Dog guardians are

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The future of dog guardianship is here.

Take everything you know about training apps and forget it. Pack Animals improves human and canine lifelong wellbeing, simultaneously.

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App launching Q2 2024.

Tap into over $4,000 of value from expert human and canine professionals, PhD level studies, and more, for only $200/year.

Pre-launch bundles include special perks for early members.

Why is Pack Animals an annual membership?
I already have a dog trainer. Why would I want to get Pack Animals App?
Does Pack Animals replace in person training?
How do you simultaneously improve human and canine wellbeing?
I don’t have much time for my dog. Is Pack Animals for me?
What are Animal Crackers and how do they work?
What is the difference between knowledge nuggets and lessons?
Why is the information on Pack Animals trustworthy?

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